One of the challenges larger clubs have is getting new members scheduled quickly, and keeping them on the schedule so they are achieving their goals and are also building the habit of regular attendance.
Most clubs have some version of a Hot Seat, Bullpen, etc. so someone is standing by to fill open roles. Unfortunately, frequently members who aren’t scheduled and are not in the hot seat will typically wait until they see an assignment on the schedule to give their next speech again rather than ask to fill a vacancy.
Having the ability to claim an open role on their own, without asking the Toastmaster or the person running the schedule, can increase the involvement and satisfaction for those members who are interested in maximizing their Toastmasters experience.
TMClubSchedule allows your members to claim open roles, i.e. roles in the meeting that are temporarily available because the assigned member cannot attend. By allowing interested members to simply check the online schedule and claim an open role, two good things happen: First, the member wins because they become more involved and can increase their meeting participation as much or little as they like. Second, the Toastmaster and VP-Education (scheduler) win because they have one less open role to deal with.
But mainly, it teaches members to get in there and look for open roles, including Speaker, if they want to fast track their growth.